Ars Magica Session 3 Notes


Spark surrenders and is frankly relieved that she isn't going to be killed. As she Cure Wounds herself, Endy Jackson takes a Mage Slayer attack and knocks her out. This is the first time Mage Slayer has been used in the Mage Slaying game.

Some minor fireball and dragon-breath shennanigans make Veld and Murdoc yoyo up and down from unconsciousness, even though Murdoc spends all of his movement hiding underneath the bar counter several times. 

Kes (Veld) is distrought that Sid chose to heal Murdoc first one time.

Fawanna Gish-Captain sees that things aren't going good and Planeshifts away.

Hartford, an employee of our rival department, rushes in and kill steals the baby dwagon. This pisses off everyone but Endy, and they resolve to kill him again when Endy isn't looking.

Endy : "Good work Hartford."

Hartford : "Yeah you too."

Murdoc : "What about me?"

Murdoc : "To your credit, Muroc you were surprisingly at home here in the sewers."

Minor police officers rush into the sewers and cuff all the people we've knocked out. We arrested/killed 3/4 of the named targets, not a complete success but not bad.

Scene montage.

Grand Prosecutor Cynthia Prossinger : "Word on the streets are people are beginning to make plays. I always thought you were reliable."

Jackson : "You can count on me Grand Prosecutor."

Who are these people? What plays? Endy don't know. Endy don't care. He just does what the warrant tells him to do.

Veld's spies see Aubrey Dijitra, Master of the Secret Police, coming out of Grand Arcanist Cipe Pineles office multiple times in the week. Aubrey is Veld's greatest career rival and this makes Veld very suspicious Aubrey is making a play for power.

As Kelp comes out of the kitchenette with microwaved soup. Encounters his blackmailer Cipe Pineles and gets cornered by her.

Cipe : "Lovely work as usual. I heard from Hartford you were quite at home in the sewers."

Kelp : "I was just doing my job."

Cipe : "Can I ask you for a small boon?"

Kelp : "Anything for you lady."

Cipe : "Keep an eye on Veld."

Kelp : "Oh I see him at work all the time."

Cipe : "Yes, that's why I asked. Just keep an ear out for gossip."

"I don't gossip."

"Well now's the time to start making a habit of it."

She goes for a shoulder pat but decides not to make contact as Kelp is always quite moist and kinda gross.

Revolutionary leaders Spark and Striker are in jail.

Striker looks miserable.

Spark is speaking the propaganda fed to her by the Secret Police, being filmed and broadcast by a flying eye.

Minor police are making more crackdowns, where they used to use sting operations they just arrest people now. Aubrey Dijitra seems to be moving.

Spoils of War:

Censer : +2 Flail, 10 ft, Finesse. 1/LR/BA 10 ft Aura for 10 minutes, 1d4 healing at Start of Turn.

Silver Greatsword : +3 Greatsword. On a 20, confirm by d4. On a d4, it's Vorpal.

Half-Cape Mantle : Fly Speed 20 ft. 1 time At-Will 2x speed. Opportunity attacks have disadvantage.

No teleporty magic focus as Fawanna Gish-Captain escaped. Whomp whomp.

We level up.

Episode 3

Meg asks us how we commute to work. Frankly this isn't something I've ever thought about my fantasy cop guy.

Sid walks to work.

Veld drives in a flying car equivalent.

Endy takes public transport using the suspension railways.

Murdoc lives in a closet at work and never leaves the office. Though he claims to have a "home."

There were discussions of carpooling, but I think Veld would have offered to carpool and then just not showed up to pick up the others.

Sid is on a skybridge on her morning commute when she gets ambushed by 5 Godskin Disciples.

They are loose bags of a variety of humans and tiefling skins. Stitched together with an alabaster white, velvety looking patch of skin. Sid recognises this skin as being from the corpse of her dead goddess floating in the Astral Sea. Her own powers are provided by the jar of the goddess' hair she keeps with her.

They sluice towards her.

Sid crits twice and one-shots one through the eye slit and it deflates.

Sid gets slammed twice, grappled, enveloped by one. She is blinded and unable to breathe.

Godskin Disciples hork up white and black fire that looks like the night sky.

The Disciples are not super strong but they are annoying. Sid manages to take care of them all.

Sid hears a voice coming from a nearby rooftop, from someone invisible.

"Finnegan Sidney, I proclaim you recreant and apostate. You uphold the power of abominations and you will all face your reckonings soon. For I have not forgotten what it is to hunt anathema."

The Godskin Disciples are made from people stitched to scraps of Sid's dead goddess' skin. The cultists believe that magic is unnatural and are divinely charged to kill magic users.

Sid also wants to kill magic users, but she's willing to work with magic users to do it cuz she's a hypocrite. 🙂

Sid believes that a member of her cult is going to assassinate a public magic user of the 7th City and narrows it down to Grand Prosecutor [[Cynthia Prossinger]] who is a low level order cleric as she is the most accessible.

Sid calls us from around the water cooler and commandeers a meeting room for an emergency meeting. She just tells us about the attack on her life and neglects to tell the Zootopia squad that the assassin is a member of her own cult.

We go to warn Cynthia of her possible assassination. 

Her girlie receptionist stalls us. "She's busy now from 3 to 3:45. I can pencil you in after though?"

We impress on her that it involves Cynthia's safety, and she squeezes us in for a quick 10 minute meeting.

Sid reports the potential threat on Cynthia's life. Cynthia immediately starts drafting a warrant for this assassin's arrest. Unfortunately, we don't have the assassin's name so we can't fill in the paperwork. Endy takes this opportunity to refill some of the legal forms he's been running low on.

Cynthia : "Why don't we leave the warrant for now and we can backfill it later."

As she says this, Murdoc spots an oozy little guy on the glass. A Godskin Disciple.

We hear the girlie receptionist get murdered in the room next door. 

Sid hears : "Up on the chase it seems. You still have not lost your instincts, but you have lost your drive. You know she upholds magic, yet you still have not struck her down."

A star shooting down surrounded in black fire slams into Cynthia.

From the palm of a 7 foot tall hunched creature covered in a cloak of stitched skin.

The hood is a mouth of the dead goddess and the cloak is made of her face.

The assassin is identified as a Godskin Revenger.

Wielding a blade with two ends, one end is a hook, the other is like a drillbit.

Made of a rib and carved into this shape.

The Godskin Peeler.

A bunch of Godskin Disciples break through the windows and attack.

The Godskin Disciples grapple and smother people and generally act as roadblocks. The Revenger can bonus action Invisibility and Hide, and just launches an artillery of magic bolts at us in the form of stars surrounded by black flames.

Cynthia Prossinger flees from the meeting room and goes to hide in her office.

We clean up the Disciples with suspiciously little difficulty and chase down the Godskin Revenger. The Revenger uses the Godskin Peeler to shift people around the battlefield, and swap places when he's hit causing allies to accidentally attack each other. But we do manage to corner him.

The face-skin cloak billows out, and the Revenger uses them to fly away from us. He also horks up some more star-flame which force themselves down the faceholes of the corpses around, re-animating all the Disciples close to him.

Disciples we previously killed and thus disregarded as threats, sluice towards Cynthia Prossinger. Threatening to sluice through the gap in her office doors to go strangle her.

The Revenger attempts to escape as we scramble to save Cynthia, and flies out the window.

At the last possible opportunity, Sid shoots her fellow worshipper in the back as he flees. She puts down her bow, as he plummets down 500 feet to go splat onto the streets below. Like a water balloon bursting.

The pieces of her dead goddess the Revenger used will become hers.

Roll Credits.


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