Lorya Megadungeon Pt 1. - The Naming of Things

The city of Lorya is my pet megadungeon project that's been sitting in my brain for a while now. May as well start getting it onto paper. Well, digital paper.

Once the shining capital of the Ostravia kingdom, the city of Lorya was consumed overnight in a mysterious gray fog. It's former residents now known as the Forlorn, pale reflections of their former selves that wander the streets. 

In the centre of the city, a giant angel-like figure standing guard on the spires of Castle of Ostravia shoots down all that it sees. Beneath it, a giant golem pummels those who dare approach the castle gates into a submissive paste.

The city dungeon was inspired by the this design of a prison, known as the Panopticon, where a central guard tower would have an uninhibited view of all the separate cells. The strange design of the city is due to the fact that it did not originate organically. The Good King Weyland simply decided to build a capital city somewhere that would befit his rule, as well as being defensible and self-sufficient in a siege.
Realising that perhaps making a room-by-room crawl of an entire City is an herculean task, I decided instead to make a point-crawl megadungeon around different points of interest instead. The city gets deadlier as you approach the centre, forcing PCs to venture inwards from the outskirts before fleeing dangers and leaving for more suitable pastures.

Each of the six districts once served a specific function in their past life, which now themes the monsters and threats that roam them now. They currently only exist as names and rough themes to be fleshed out in the future, but I'm currently pretty happy as with the names.

Defeat the 6 Sovereigns of each district, collect their Keys, enter the Castle of Ostravia and uncover the mysteries of Lorya.

Behold! Mine Spreadsheet of Names!


  1. This looks really cool! I've been working on a mega-dungeon using a similar pointcrawl overlay (though I think mine is quite a bit less structured).

    Looking forward to seeing this develop!


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