Blight King Weyland

The Kingdom of Ostravia mourns the passing of Weyland, yet he is responsible for the spreading of the fog that wastes their lands.

In youth, Weyland was a noble and valorant king, upholding law within his lands. Yet, in his old age, his fear of death grew stronger and he feared his accomplishments would turn to dust after his demise. With his vizier whispering in his ear, he would attempt the unthinkable to extend his own life.

Under the guise of a celebration for the 50th Year of Weyland’s Rule, he would offer up the souls of the powerful to a nameless demon of old, known only as the Old One, to grant him the powers in undeath to conquer the continent. His generals, allies and friends gathered within the city, unwitting sacrifices to a forgotten God.

As the process of the soul-draining began, a group of seven heroes felt the source of their imminent death and stormed the Castle of Ostravia. Cutting through the palace guards, they were able to breach the Throne Room and their last minute intervention was able to prevent the ascent of Weyland into godhood at the cost of the censure of their names and faces from the annals of history. 

The ritual failed yet the Old One extracted its due, a white necromantic fog roiled across the land, summoning fiends and turning the people into the Forlorn, shades of their former selves and driven to madness.

Now Weyland sits alone in his Throne Room, sealed by the Forlorn who fear him, and controls the Nightwalker to gather his souls manually so one day he can have his rightful ascension.


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